Step 1: Starting Your Deposition
For those looking to deposit data with published or un-published articles, this guide will give you all the information you need to make a quick and easy deposition.
Starting a Deposition
1. Getting a deposition link.
In order to deposit into the NPMRD, you must visit a submission link unique to your deposition. This link can be obtained in one of two ways depending on whether or not you have recieved an email from Follow the instructions for the case that matches you.
i) I recieved an email.
Your unqiue link can be found within the body of the email. Accessing the page is as easy as clicking the hyperlink or copy pasting it into your address bar.
ii) I did NOT recieve an email.
If you did not recieve an email your method of arriving at your deposition page will be based on wether or not your data is from a published article or an unpublished article. Please follow the case that applies to you below.
1. My data is from a PUBLISHED article.
To get to a deposition page you will need to submit your doi through the deposition front page. Once on the front page, you will first have to specify that your data is from a published article. This should load a page with a search bar where you will paste your doi and click “Submit”.
Once you submit the doi, you should be brought to your unique deposition link.
2. Presubmission - my data is from an UNPUBLISHED article.
To get to your deposition page from here you will have to select the UNPUBLISHED option on the front page. This will take you to another page where you will be prompted to enter information about your unpublished article.
Here the entries to be filled out are as follows:
- Submission Type: New Submission or and In-progress submission
- Article Title: The title of the unpublished article.
- Email: An email you would like to be contacted at when you article is published.
- Authors: A commas separated list of the authors of your article.
- When would you like us to display the deposited data?: When embargo period ends, immediately, or once the article is published
Once you complete this page and click next you will be taken to the next step in your deposition process.